“Even average people can make extraordinary change if they know how to love.”
Who Are We?
Kites is really just a bunch of regular people who want to be a part of making change happen. Our driving force is the desire to see children across the world loved and empowered to achieve their potential. Some might think our dreams are a little too big, but we’re OK with that.
Our role inside that big vision is to find and support innovative and effective projects. We are focusing our attention on India, and specifically, the huge population of children and youth that grow up in residential care. We look for organizations that are putting their whole hearts into this work, and we make sure that they are reliable, ethical, holistic, and sustainable. For example, we support Pathways, a project in Mumbai. They connect with young adults leaving orphanage and residential care, and provide wrap-around services to help them build bright futures. We become the champions of projects like Pathways, and we put our energy into promoting their work, raising funds, and providing program feedback and support.
We’re the support staff to their front lines, the backup dancer to their rockstar, the season ticket holder to the home team.
You can count on us to bring you the hidden gems that are making big change, one life at a time. And once you get to know these people and projects, we bet that you’ll become a Number One Fan too.
How Can You Help?
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Your donations help us continue our work in providing care and love to children in need!
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Change the life of a child today by contacting us to give them your love and support!
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